Friday, November 23, 2012

Italian Fiasco

This morning I avoided a fiasco. In order to study abroad in Italy, I needed to get a study visa from the Italian consulate. My study abroad director had given me a checklist and the application form. I thought I was all set--just needed to buy my ticket. So I make an appointment for this morning (this was Wednesday) and the consulate sends me an email. It says I must have everything on the list. Wait, what was that? A transcript?!? I didn't have one with me! And it was too late to get one from La Salle. I was freaking out. I was not going to be able to go to Rome. All upset, I print out an unofficial one. My mom tells me not to worry. If we don't have everything, then we will just have to make another appointment.

So this morning I was very nervous. I tripled checked to make sure I had everything. (I did for the one list--not so much for the other). As the time crept closer and closer to 10:45, I was getting more and more nervous. The office was very small and I didn't know where to go to sign in. When it was finally my turn (after some annoying family from Villanova jumped the line!), it went very smoothly! There wasn't a problem, at least that I know of. I was so happy that I avoided an Italian fiasco.

To celebrate, my dad and I went to the mint. It was nicely renovated but none of the machines were working because everyone was off from work! In reality, we got out of the consulate early so my dad wanted to see the mint. When we arrived home, it was time for me to have lunch with my friend Katie. Overall, it was a successful day!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


If this is the only Italian I know by January, I will be completely fine with that. Enjoy! (I really do like this song, by the way.)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Drum Roll

Now, for the big news! Drum roll please! I handed in my application for study abroad today! So much stress has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I have to actually be accepted but I am thinking I will be! I can start planning all the exciting things now! Like classes learning Italian and other things that I can't think of now!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Roman Holiday

I am thinking about studying abroad in Rome! Next semester! I get butterflies just thinking about it. I am so excited and nervous and I haven't even applied to go yet. Application is due in 3 weeks. Heck yeah, I will make that deadline!!
