Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bye Rome. I'll Miss You

So today is my last day in Rome. I can't believe it. I had one exam this morning then I headed out to say goodbye to my home for the past four months.

I illegally took picture here

strangers' hopes and dreams


Spanish Steps


I took a lot of selfies


I broke my umbrella

the track I wasn't allowed to run on

The Mouth of Truth
Ciao Rome. It's been great, to say the least.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Breakfast with the Brothers

So much studying. But I'm halfway finished. Leaving has really crept up on me. I leave Rome on Thursday! Ah! I had two finals today--they weren't bad at all. Yesterday, I spent most of my day in the library but in the morning, we went to the Christian Brothers' Headquarters. It was a short bus ride from my apartment. We went to mass and ate breakfast with them (Brother Claude and Charles and I can't remember the third!). Brother Claude gave us a tour of the complex--they have a school and a hotel on the property. Then I headed to the Vatican, taking the long way there. It was packed--a couple saints were being canonized. So I just headed back to school to the library.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Last Saturday in Rome

Finals start for me on Monday. I'm stressing much. I don't want to study--I just want to enjoy my last few days in Rome. I want to say a proper goodbye. So today I combined the two--I went to the library in the early afternoon and then headed to the center of Rome before dinner. Studying is studying. Nothing exciting to discuss. But my trip was very bittersweet. I took a stroll to Gelateria Teatro, on Via di S. Simone. I knew generally where it was but then I actually got there without a map. It was crazy. The gelato was delicious. They had natural flavors and unusual combinations. I got white chocolate and ginger. It was creamy and smooth. Yum. Then I headed across the Tiber to the Church of the Sacred Heart of Suffrage, aka the home of the museum of the little souls of purgatory. However, when I got to the church, I couldn't open the door. Neither could the old Italian man. We were hopelessly confused. But then someone came out and we went inside the church. There was a choir concert going on so I couldn't go to the museum. It was a nice surprise to stumble upon. I still have Wednesday afternoon/night to see Rome for the last time. I just need to get through my finals!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

San Giovanni in Laterano

Some last minute gift buying today. I headed up toward Termini to some musuems' gift shops--bought two books for me. Then I rode the Metro to San Giovanni in Laterano. I went to the market in the shadows of the church (this is where I bought the above gifts) and finally headed to the basilica. I should have kept a tally on the number of churches I went into in Rome or tried to visit all the churches in Rome. Anyway, the basilica has been reconstructed because of fires, but some of the current interior was done by Borromini (Sant'Ivo church). He also did the baldacchino there. In front of the baldacchino, there was steps leading to a tomb of Pope Martin V--people threw all sorts of currency down there. I saw some dolla billz. I took the tram back to my aprtment, but first stopping for groceries and gelato. My finals start on Monday and I come back on Thursday. So a lot to do in the next week!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walk to School

Well, this is my walk to school. Of course, it is the abbreviated version. Today was my last walk to AUR for classes. Crazy.

down the hill

now back up


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today I went to the Roman neighborhood of Testaccio. I guess it is considered Southern Rome. It is relatively close to me, just across the Tiber. I've run through it many times and so I have really wanted to go back to see the few sights. Actually, my first Thursday here, Steve and I went to the Protestant Cemetery, which is in Testaccio. But anyway, I went first to the Testaccio covered market. In the last few years, they put the market into a brand-new, modern facility for the market. I saw Macro, the modern art gallery. There is a bird's nest structure in the courtyard that is very fascinating--but it was closed when I was there so I couldn't climb it. Then I revisited the Protestant Cemetery--probably one of my favorite places in Rome. I was getting hungry so I headed to Eataly, a big grocery store thing. It is hard to explain. It is like Whole Foods but with more places to eat while there. It was overwhelming at first, but then I settled down and got a delicious slice of pizza. To drink, I bought a blood-orange soda, which took me forever to take the lid off. As I drank my soda, I headed toward Saint Paul Outside the Walls basilica. It is huge--it was the largest church in the world until the New Saint Peter's was built. Along the top of the walls are portraits of all the popes--and empty spaces for future popes. No day-out is complete without gelato. I went to Danielgelo--it was good but tasted like soft-serve. Long day out--about six hours!

Testaccio Market


Protestant Cemetery


Saint Paul


Monday, May 6, 2013

Highlights from the Week

So I have been very busy with my dad here. Here are some highlights from the past few days.

Castel Sant'Angelo

St. Peter's

cool dad

so much gelato

Vatican Museums

School of Athens--Moreau!!!

Pastificio--3rd time in a week

Stadio Olimpico

Il Vittoriano

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pastificio and Giolitti

Today was my unofficial food tour of Rome. I went to Pastificio for lunch and Giolitti for gelato afterwards. They both have been praised many times and I needed to try them before I leave in two weeks. So first up was Pastificio. A little place by the Spanish Steps, you would have no idea what wonderfulness is inside. When I arrived at 1:05, the line was out the door. I had to wait 20 minutes or so for my pasta. It only serves lunch from 1 to 2 and only has two pasta dishes per day. I got something--not really sure what. It was thick spaghetti in a red sauce. But it was very yummy. You can get your pasta to go or find a space on the counter to eat there. They have complementary wine and water. And the best part? It was a big serving for only 4 euros. I want to go back before I leave!


 My dessert was gelato at Giolitti. I had to wait a little because the pasta filled me up. So I walked 10 minutes to Giolitti, which is near the Pantheon, right by Piazza Colonna. There was a line but I didn't mind waiting. I had to pick from the many delicious flavors. I ended up getting mint and biscotto oreo with cream on top. It was so good. The cream went well with the flavors. The mint was so minty--it was a natural taste. And it was a decent size too.

Via Della Croce, 8

Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 40