Thursday, May 9, 2013

San Giovanni in Laterano

Some last minute gift buying today. I headed up toward Termini to some musuems' gift shops--bought two books for me. Then I rode the Metro to San Giovanni in Laterano. I went to the market in the shadows of the church (this is where I bought the above gifts) and finally headed to the basilica. I should have kept a tally on the number of churches I went into in Rome or tried to visit all the churches in Rome. Anyway, the basilica has been reconstructed because of fires, but some of the current interior was done by Borromini (Sant'Ivo church). He also did the baldacchino there. In front of the baldacchino, there was steps leading to a tomb of Pope Martin V--people threw all sorts of currency down there. I saw some dolla billz. I took the tram back to my aprtment, but first stopping for groceries and gelato. My finals start on Monday and I come back on Thursday. So a lot to do in the next week!

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