Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Buying Books

Not too many exciting things today. I bought my books--I needed three, but Katie had one at her apartment so I got one for free. The other two I had to buy--87 euro. Ugh. The girl at the library didn't know where the book my professor reserved was. I had my peanut butter sandwich in the park during lunch. My classes are interesting and fun. And I know those were completely random and unrelated sentences. Whatever.

Oh, last night, I went with Katie and her roommates to a Bus2Alps (a tour group geared toward study abroad students) dinner special. A free buffet and a chance to win free trips!! Some of the food was good, but there was tuna in some of it. Yuck. But when they were drawing the free trip to Interlaken, the announced "Katie..." and I got excited. But I didn't win, Katie did!! That is so cool! It was nice getting out of the apartment and meeting new people.

Here are some views out a window at school.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Not much today. I think this is what it will be like for at least three days of the week--just running and class. I am very excited for my classes. I am only taking four, which seems like so little! The past three semesters I've taken 16, 17, and 17 credits, respectively. Only 12 credits will seem so light. Anyway, my art history class in an on-sight class, which means class is held at a museum or monument or church every week. It varies depending on what we are learning about. Sounds fun and also might be a pain, considering I have to get myself to those places. Oh well.

Running has been a pain. Most especially today. My legs and calves killed. However, next week is the meeting for the running club!! If I join the Rome Road Runners, I get a bunch of gear! So excited. On my run today, I saw this rock on the path. As I ran by, I thought it would be the perfect rock for my friend (who asked me to get him a rock from Rome--I don't know why). But I decided not to pick it up. But wait! I turned around and carried it for the last half of my run. It is the perfect, most beautiful, authentic rock I ever did see in Rome. After thinking about it, that is such a weird thing. Ugh, okay, ciao!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Find the Pope

Today was my first day of school!! Yay!! I had to wake up early to sign up for some AUR excursions. I decided to do all three: Tuscan weekend; Sorrento, Pompeii, Capri, and Mount Vesuvius weekend; and Assisi day trip. I wanted to get there early because I heard it sold out quickly. Besides that, everything went okay. Actually, when I went to buy a monthly bus ticket, I completely blanked--very embarrassing. Oh, I also forgot to mention my class schedule dilemma. Well it all worked out. I decided to drop my history class and change my Italian class to an easier one (and one with my friends). So now, I have no classes on Thursdays!! I have only 12 credits, but it isn't that big of a deal. I have plenty of extra credits to go around.

But in other news, yesterday I went on a solo adventure through Rome. I woke up early to run. Then I timed my walk to AUR (23 minutes). I then climbed the Gianicolo for a beautiful and sweeping view of Rome. I saw little kids dressed up as Spiderman and Merida from Brave throwing confetti at each other. Why? Then I walked to the Vatican. So cool. I sat down to rest and read my guidebook. It said the Pope blesses the crowd at noon--well it was 11:50. Perfect timing. Saw the man. He was smaller than I expected and I couldn't understand him at all, even when he spoke English. After, I walked toward the Tiber. I saw the students from Temple Rome (I pretended not to see them to avoid any awkward talks. Yes I know, I should have said something.). I then walked to Trastevere--a cute little neighborhood down the road from AUR. I saw a church, got pistachio gelato, and walked back home through the Villa Doria Pamphili. It was a long day and I was tired and sore. But worthwhile. However, I still cannot believe I'm in Rome. It hasn't sunk in yet.

view from the Gianicolo

likewise, on the Gianicolo

the Pope, duh

St. Peter's

a church?


Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere


Villa Doria Pamphili

Sunday, January 27, 2013

BBQ and Stroll

The Welcome BBQ was nice--free and fresh orange juice (literally squeezed right there), hamburgers, chips, music, sign-ups. I signed-up for the running club and the rowing club. I don't know what I was thinking. Probably not going to do that. Afterwards, my flatmates and I took the bus into the center of the city, where we went on the walking tour the other day. This time, it was during the day. We saw the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and the Villa Borghese (a park). We walked a lot. When we got back, I tried my hand at cooking. That was an experience. With no microwave, I had to heat everything on the stove. And it was a gas stove. I really had no idea what I was doing. The pasta was too hard when I ate it and the sauce was too cold at that point (I heated it up too early). And I was still hungry. Well, at least I know better for next time.

looking good there katie

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Il Gatto Restaurant

So I haven't done much picture taking since that first night (actually none at all). Yesterday was super busy, just with AUR stuff to do and to attend. I ran at the park again--definitely stood out. I was the only one in shorts and a t-shirt. Hopefully the AUR running club works out for me so I'll have people to run with. Sal and I are going for a run tomorrow, maybe to the Tiber. He's joining the club too, so i'll know someone! But I diverge--we had a safety and security meeting yesterday morning. An US ambassador came to talk to us about not making stupid decisions. Then we had AUR orientation--just the basics about the school, Rome, etc. Afterwards, we had to walk to AUR to get some tasks done. (The meetings were at a church down the street from school--we got lost.) I got a Italian cell phone--very basic. I had to wait to get my student ID for awhile because it was lunch break. Then I could scan some documents to get my permit to stay. I was finally done. Back to the apartment!

Around 7:00, I walked to Steve and Sal's apartment. It was literally 3 minutes away, which is great. However, they wouldn't answer the buzzer/I wasn't holding it down long enough, so I began to worry  Eventually I got in and we met up with Katie and her flatmates to go to dinner. The restaurant was filled with cat-decor. (Cody, you'd love it.) Cats everywhere--on the menu and on the wall. No real cats, though, thank goodness. I ordered a pizza with squash or zucchini on it--couldn't read the menu or tell when I ate it. It was very good. We then went out for a little, back to Steve and Sal's apartment, and then I went home. I was very tired and it was past my bedtime (11:00).

I want to tell you about my class schedule dilemma but I have to go to the welcome BBQ now!! Ciao for now!

my bed

Friday, January 25, 2013

Still in Roma

I woke up today--I was still in Rome. I guess this isn't a dream anymore. Last night, AUR resgrads took us on a little tour of the big sights. I'll tell you more later but my computer is about to die and my converter is freaking me out. Ciao.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

First Day in Rome

Rome finally. Long flight--although no one sat next to me, I still found it very uncomfortable to fall asleep. So far, it is very overwhelming. I went for a run and I'm pretty sure I stuck out like a sore thumb. But I found the park and tons of people were running. That was good. Here are some pictures of our apartment. It is small and cute and colorful.

view from kitchen/living room

kitchen/living room


living room


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

To Roma...

So here I am, just sitting in the airport waiting for my flight...that's in 2 hours. Goodness, why did I have to get here so early? Anyway, I am already regretting all the stuff I packed. My back is killing me because my backpack is filled to the brim with books and my laptop. I don't really feel nervous anymore. I think it is because this whole thing feels surreal. I can't believe I am going to Rome. It feels like a dream.

I guess I have gone a long way since I first traveled. I wanted to show you some pictures but I didn't have time to scan and upload them. I went London as a wee little kid--not much to remember. My first real memory of travel was when I went to Atlanta with my dad for the Final Four in 2002. Wow, eleven years ago. Then, I went to Germany in 2006 for the World Cup. That was amazing. While I was in my awkward stage (haha yeah, go ahead and make the joke about how I haven't left), it was such a fun and interesting trip. In 2008, my dad, brother and I fly out to Eugene, Oregon, for the Olympic Track Trials. Oregon is beautiful. Hmmm, I am sensing a pattern here: trips that revolve around sporting events. I went to San Diego last week and now Rome today. No sports involved but running will definitely help me learn the layout of the city. I am so excited. Eeek!

Well that will be all for now. I had been counting down the hours all day long. What's two more hours? Ahhhhh. That is pretty much all I can say. Ciao everyone. See you in May. Wish me luck.