Monday, January 28, 2013

Find the Pope

Today was my first day of school!! Yay!! I had to wake up early to sign up for some AUR excursions. I decided to do all three: Tuscan weekend; Sorrento, Pompeii, Capri, and Mount Vesuvius weekend; and Assisi day trip. I wanted to get there early because I heard it sold out quickly. Besides that, everything went okay. Actually, when I went to buy a monthly bus ticket, I completely blanked--very embarrassing. Oh, I also forgot to mention my class schedule dilemma. Well it all worked out. I decided to drop my history class and change my Italian class to an easier one (and one with my friends). So now, I have no classes on Thursdays!! I have only 12 credits, but it isn't that big of a deal. I have plenty of extra credits to go around.

But in other news, yesterday I went on a solo adventure through Rome. I woke up early to run. Then I timed my walk to AUR (23 minutes). I then climbed the Gianicolo for a beautiful and sweeping view of Rome. I saw little kids dressed up as Spiderman and Merida from Brave throwing confetti at each other. Why? Then I walked to the Vatican. So cool. I sat down to rest and read my guidebook. It said the Pope blesses the crowd at noon--well it was 11:50. Perfect timing. Saw the man. He was smaller than I expected and I couldn't understand him at all, even when he spoke English. After, I walked toward the Tiber. I saw the students from Temple Rome (I pretended not to see them to avoid any awkward talks. Yes I know, I should have said something.). I then walked to Trastevere--a cute little neighborhood down the road from AUR. I saw a church, got pistachio gelato, and walked back home through the Villa Doria Pamphili. It was a long day and I was tired and sore. But worthwhile. However, I still cannot believe I'm in Rome. It hasn't sunk in yet.

view from the Gianicolo

likewise, on the Gianicolo

the Pope, duh

St. Peter's

a church?


Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere


Villa Doria Pamphili

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