Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Buying Books

Not too many exciting things today. I bought my books--I needed three, but Katie had one at her apartment so I got one for free. The other two I had to buy--87 euro. Ugh. The girl at the library didn't know where the book my professor reserved was. I had my peanut butter sandwich in the park during lunch. My classes are interesting and fun. And I know those were completely random and unrelated sentences. Whatever.

Oh, last night, I went with Katie and her roommates to a Bus2Alps (a tour group geared toward study abroad students) dinner special. A free buffet and a chance to win free trips!! Some of the food was good, but there was tuna in some of it. Yuck. But when they were drawing the free trip to Interlaken, the announced "Katie..." and I got excited. But I didn't win, Katie did!! That is so cool! It was nice getting out of the apartment and meeting new people.

Here are some views out a window at school.

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