Saturday, March 16, 2013

Busy Saturday

So I had a super packed morning to get everything done before Mumford (!) tonight, St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, and London on Monday. Well, I ran, through laundry in, and hurried to catch the tram. I went to Piazza Navona to see Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone. I walked around Piazza Navona, headed to Campo de Fiori, walked through the Jewish Quarter, and finally arrived at Il Vittoriano. I took the elevator to the top--some amazing views up there. I could even see the people on top of St. Peter's! It was all very cool, but I needed to get home to eat and prepare for the busy next couple of days. It was nice having a (sort of) set schedule and then spontaneously walking down a road or into a random church.

Oh! But when I was on the tram, there was an older guy who was definitely making verbal advances to this girl next me. I was super uncomfortable and I don't even know Italian. She didn't respond at all to him, which I think was a good move. But it was icky. When he got off the tram, she heaved a sigh of relief, and I looked over at her to smile. We shared a common moment of relief that the guy had left.

Piazza Navona

Four Rivers Statue


Campo de Fiori

the synagogue
that's me

Via del Corso

the Colosseum




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