Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So this happened a few days ago**. On Friday, I decided to run to the Colosseum. As I headed there, I found a track. I was so excited. It was like Christmas morning. All my runs these days are long/normal runs. I try to throw in some hill repeats or fartleks, but it is hard. Anyway, I found my way onto the track, ran a few laps, and felt so happy. Until...dun dun dun...I start to leave. There is a man waiting for me and says something in Italian. I told him I only spoke a little bit of Italian and he replied in English saying that I need a membership to run on the track. Wait, what? I would have to join a running club just to run on a track--a track that was super worn down. The only track I've seen in Rome can't be run on. I was devastated and mad. Well, first I was relieved that I only got a warning. But I was mad. You can ride the bus for free and there are water fountains everywhere, but I can't use a track that has two other people on it? What the heck. Absolutely ridiculous. I could understand if it was a school's track, but it wasn't! I think what was the worst part was that I was so happy at first, but 10 minutes later that happiness was taken away.

Later on Friday, I stopped at the tobacco shop to get a stamp. I asked for a stamp to the United States. The lady didn't understand where I wanted it to go. She had to bring over another worker and the guy at the counter. She was all snooty about it. Then, when I went to pay, she didn't even say how much it cost and just turned the monitor towards me. I'm trying!!! Give me a break.

Well sorry about that! Just had to vent a little. Good thing I'm in London this week, where people speak English.

**I lied. I wrote this on Friday. I'm in London for the week and won't be able to get to a computer and I wanted you to still have something to read!

the neighborhood


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