Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break London: Part 3

So Thursday of Spring Break, I actually got to see London. We ate our hearty breakfast of chocolate rice krispies and wheat toast (I ate so much). Then, we headed toward Buckingham Palace and then on to Westminster Abbey. It was interesting to see everyone who was buried there. The Lady Chapel in the back was one of my favorite parts. There was a poet's corner--I recognized many names, especially WWI poets that we learned about in Dr. Smith's class last spring. Afterwards, we headed across the Thames to find the Southbank book market. We hyped it up so much, but it turned out to be four tables and not that many books. We saw the London Eye (looks like a big bike wheel) and got lunch near Covent Garden. I had a very good chicken club. Our next stop was the British Museum. Holy cow. So much stuff that the British took from people they suppressed was on display. But we were all tired so we left to see Piccadilly Circus (kind of like Times Square). We finally headed back to our hostel, after making quick stops at Harrods and the grocery store (personal pizzas for dinner). We did a lot of walking so naturally we all fell asleep really early.


Big Ben

sometimes I forget I'm 19 20

London Eye and Aquarium

Benny and Parliament

didn't find the muffin man though...

British Museum

two-headed snake


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