Friday, March 8, 2013

Rain and Gelato

Today's adventure consisted of just walking and wandering around Rome. Both my run earlier and my walk later had new roads where multiple times I had no idea where I was. I took the 8 tram and walked to the Pantheon. I wanted to find the gelato place that everyone talks about but I wasn't about to walk up and down all the streets. So I picked one street and hoped for the best. I didn't pick the right one but I got a chance to get lost in the back streets of Rome. I finally found myself by the shopping street. From there, I walked toward the Spanish Steps and got gelato. I think the lady overcharged me but it sure was good gelato (caramel and milk chocolate with hazelnuts and cream on top). After enjoying my gelato, I headed back toward the shopping street, went into the Zara and the bookstore, and headed back to the tram. It was on and off raining, so a little miserable. I really could have stayed forever in the bookstore, even if the English section was tiny. I also could have bought the whole section but I refrained--I'll just put the books on my library request list. Well, that's it for today. I have midterms next week so I have to start studying now. Wish me luck!

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