Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lost In San Lorenzo

My Thursday adventure took me to Cimitero del Verano, aka the biggest cemetery in Rome. I don't know why I like cemeteries so much but I do. Maybe because they are quiet and peaceful? Or maybe because I'm weird? Whatever the case, this cemetery was huge. And a little creepy. There were cats all around (monster cats that could eat me) and crows up in the sky. Not only did I get lost getting to the cemetery, I also got lost in the cemetery. I thought that this would be the worse place to die because I'd have to spend eternity there after walking around for an hour. Next stop? Gelato baby. I took the 3 tram somewhere and walked until I met up with my directions. I couldn't find the place I intended to go but I followed a horde of Italians into Ciuri Ciuri. I got a small cup of cannolo and setteveli, with cream on top. This might be blasphemy, but all gelato tastes good to me. Whatever. So I found myself near the Colosseum and hopped on the 3 tram to head home.

mean kitty

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stalk My Life, Folks

Few random things:
  1. I was asked by one of the math professors to do summer research with her. We sent in the proposal was accepted!!! Yay!! I'm so excited. It is going to be a great experience and now I won't sit around doing nothing for the second summer in a row!!
  2. I am obsessed with this playlist. Check it out. Please.
  3. There is this guy who works in my apartment building. Most mornings (if I see him) I say buongiorno. (Usually when I leave for my run.) Sometimes when I get back he asks freddo? I think it is so funny/great. First, just because Italians think 40 degrees is cold doesn't mean I'm cold when I'm running in shorts. Second, I like how he doesn't dismiss me. I try to speak Italian when I can and I'm glad he jokes around with me (sort of, anyway). 
  4. Google is the most amazing thing on the planet. I discover new things everyday. Like how I can edit pictures. Amazing. Technology these days.

Well, after those boring updates, I guess you won't be reading this ever again. Sorry to see you go. On your way out, could you share with others? I know how much people like to stalk live vicariously through me see that I'm alive.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Class Today: Renaissance and Frescoes

For class today, we went to Villa Farnesina and San Pietro in Montorio. Not too far from school, these two sites had beautiful frescoes that were commissioned during the Renaissance.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lennon Wall

"nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be"

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Prague: Czech It Out

So I went to Prague this weekend with Steve. It was much fun except that it was freezing cold and snowy. Friday, we went on a walking tour of Prague, saw the John Lennon wall, went to the Jewish Museums, and just saw the city. Saturday was heavy snow so we just went up to Prague Castle, saw the US embassy, and unsuccessfully tried to get into a palace (we walked around the whole wall without finding the entrance). The snow and cold were pains so I didn't get to enjoy strolling around Prague. On my run this morning, I ran uphill in a foot of snow to the top of Petrin Hill. I really wanted to visit it on this trip so I decided I would run up it no matter what. There's a monastery, a fake Eiffel Tower, mirror mazes, and gardens, although to me, it was just snow. But the views were spectacular of Prague Castle and the city below. Goodness, I love great views.

Prague itself was very beautiful. It was like being in a fairytale--much different from Rome. The houses were many colors and the roads were cobblestones. Not many cars either. Especially under a blanket of snow, Prague was very picturesque. I think it would look lovely in the spring/summer also. For food, we ate breakfast and dinner. Breakfast on Friday was a buffet at the hostel, so naturally I ate everything there. My other breakfasts were snacks that I had brought. Dinner every night I had potatoes and chicken/pork. We were all about the deals.

We had two mottos for the weekend: "Czech it out" and "I'm cold." Wait, funny story. We were on the flight to Prague (Czech Air--so nice) and Steve asks for "woo-der." The guy had no idea what he was talking about. Ahh, Philly accents. Steve realized and then asked for "wah-ter." Oh man, so funny.

Wenceslas Square

Prague Castle and Charles Bridge

Lennon Wall

Kafka Statue

St. Vitus Cathedral


Prague Castle

Petrin Hill

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Laundry and Cooking in Italy

So while I am enjoying my time in Prague (it's probably very cold right now), I thought I'd post about some general questions I had about living in Rome. Two questions specifically: laundry and food. Yes, I know that wasn't actually in question form.

What do I do about laundry?
Well most of the time I ship back to my mom who does it for me. No silly, we have a washing machine. There are washing machines in Europe--this isn't Mars. However, we don't have a dryer, which is somewhat of a pain when it comes to drying my pants or towels. But I make do. It takes a little more than an hour for the washing cycle. The machine also hold less clothes than the ones back home. Then, I take my clothes out and hang them up to dry--in our entry way. Our apartment is small so that is where I put my clothes to dry. Some of our neighbors hang their clothes outside but I am afraid to do that and I don't know how.

drying rack

washing machine

What do I do about eating?
I can't survive off gelato for every meal of every day. And it gets expensive. So most of the time (6 days a week), I cook for myself. For breakfast, I have cereal and maybe a piece of fruit. I usually get the store-brand corn flakes (cheap) or the honey rings. Lunch consists of a sandwich (I thought I was eating ham...nope, it was prosciutto). I am almost out of peanut butter already so I'm rationing that. I also have an apple with lunch (delicious yellow apple). For dinner I am getting more adventurous. I'll have pasta with meat sauce or some kind of meat (hotdog, burger) with something (eggs, corn, potatoes). It is hard to cook when I have never done it before and when we don't have a microwave or toaster. However, microwaves and toasters do exist in Italy, just to clarify.
stove and oven

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Kristen!

So I just wanted celebrate my friend Kristen's birthday!! Kristen was my roommate last semester and she is the nicest person ever. She is always very positive and happy and ready to laugh. Kristen is so cute so hit her up!! And I miss her a lot! She's a nursing major so she is usually stressed out (but she is also involved in a gazillion activities on campus, ready to lend a helping hand), but I know that she will always do well and she will be a great future nurse!! So happy birthday Kristen! Sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate with you!!

PS--We need to take more pictures together, missy!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Run Along the Tiber

Thoughts on my run this morning:
  • The Tiber makes the Schuylkill look so clean.
  • Someone could murder me!
  • Maybe I could write a mystery novel about a runner being killed along the Tiber.
  • What if someone pushed me into the Tiber?
  • I would just float downstream and then get out and run again.
  • But you can run faster than the current.
  • I'd swim to the other side.
  • That tree stump looks like a person!
  • This reminds me of The Road.
  • Where are the steps I took to get down here?!?!
  • I don't remember running by this!
Well, as you can probably guess, I ran along the Tiber this morning. The path is about 30 feet below street level and about 2 feet about the water level. The Tiber floods easily so there was a lot of soot and mud on the path. There was also really nice graffiti (is that an oxymoron?). Other than that, it was an uneventful run. But today I'm going to Prague!! It is going to be so cold and snowy but extremely beautiful in the snow! I can't wait!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dixie Cups

Okay, do you think things happen for a reason? Or some weird occurrences? So on Sunday when I went to mass, the priest said to sign the guest book and write down names in the remembrance book at the back of church. I signed the guest book but hemmed and hawed at the remembrance book. Should I write down anyone's name? I finally decided to sign my grandparent's names (my dad's parents). My grams died this past June and my pops died the July before. I also decided to remember a friend's friend whose death really impacted me even though I never met the kid. Anyway, after mass, I set out for gelato. I picked stracciatella and chocolate. I tasted the chocolate and thought that it didn't taste like anything extraordinary--kinda just like chocolate from a Dixie cup.

Monday morning rolls around and I wrote all that down in my book. Wait!! I was struck by the coincidence. My grams and pops would give us Dixies when we visited their house. So right after I wrote their names down, the thought of chocolate tasting like a Dixie came into my head! Amazing. Do you think that is a coincidence? Maybe I was just subconsciously thinking about them that I associated the taste with them? I don't know but I like the thought!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Churches Galore

Class today took place at three churches: Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica of Santa Prassede, and Basilica of San Clemente. They all had crazy, beautiful mosaics that sparkled gold. But being made of marble, I was freezing in them! Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed them, especially because these buildings concerned biblical and religious references. I was able to understand more fully than the pagan art we looked at previously.

Rome today had a transportation strike. They happen quite frequently but I have never been affected by them before today. Thankfully, buses and trams seemed to appear whenever I needed them! Must of been because I went to church on Sunday. The H bus showed up as I was headed to the churches. I had to wait a wee bit for the 3 tram but after that, it was smooth sailing. As I got off the 3b bus, the H bus showed up to take me home! No long walks or waiting for me!

Santa Maria Maggiore

Jesus' crib??

Santa Prassede

Santa Prassede


Santa Clemente

Monday, February 18, 2013

Study Trip to Umbria

Highlight of my day? Two hot chocolates.

So, then let me talk about my study trip to Umbria on Friday. I went with two of my classes: Microeconomics and Intro to the EU (I have the same professor). It wasn't mandatory but I thought it was a great opportunity to to see that part of Italy and visit some local, Italian businesses. First stop was an olive oil company. I learned how to taste olive oil and the best part? Bread and olive oil afterwards!! Next we went to a vineyard, where you grow grapes to make wine (did you see what I did there?!?). We had a tour and some wine testing. The best part? Bread with olive oil! Do you see a common theme? So being the early afternoon, we were famished. My professor let us get lunch at this little bar in Deruta. So I got a chicken sandwich and hot chocolate. Quite a lackluster lunch. We then walked down the road to a world famous ceramics factory--so many cool designs. We went on a tour but alas, no bread at the end. My professor then took us to a cheaper ceramics store because he is all about saving some bucks. I got a cute little ceramic bear for one euro! And a present for someone, but it is a secret! That concluded my study trip to Umbria and I'm glad I went!

PS--Happy Presidents' Day!! (Sorry I didn't dress up again!)