Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Colosseum

My ticket to the Forum and Palatine yesterday gained me admission to the Colosseum today. After thinking of how to allot my time between class, running, and the Colosseum, I finally decided on run, class, Colosseum, and then class. So after class, I hopped on the 75 and headed to the Colosseum. Holey moley, it is huge. I was next to it yesterday but it really hit me today. In a weird way, it reminded me of the Palestra. Just a grand and historic sporting arena. Absolutely stunning. Afterwards, I still had plenty of time before class so I decided to get gelato. I got creme caramel--it was very delicious and I really wanted more! But anyway, it was just another day roaming around Rome.

Oh, I forgot! Two things. One, they had tickets and assigned seating back in the day at the Colosseum. I thought that was interesting. Two, I had a pop quiz in microeconomics today and it was about the market for hot chocolate. Naturally, after class, I got hot chocolate.

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