Monday, February 18, 2013

Study Trip to Umbria

Highlight of my day? Two hot chocolates.

So, then let me talk about my study trip to Umbria on Friday. I went with two of my classes: Microeconomics and Intro to the EU (I have the same professor). It wasn't mandatory but I thought it was a great opportunity to to see that part of Italy and visit some local, Italian businesses. First stop was an olive oil company. I learned how to taste olive oil and the best part? Bread and olive oil afterwards!! Next we went to a vineyard, where you grow grapes to make wine (did you see what I did there?!?). We had a tour and some wine testing. The best part? Bread with olive oil! Do you see a common theme? So being the early afternoon, we were famished. My professor let us get lunch at this little bar in Deruta. So I got a chicken sandwich and hot chocolate. Quite a lackluster lunch. We then walked down the road to a world famous ceramics factory--so many cool designs. We went on a tour but alas, no bread at the end. My professor then took us to a cheaper ceramics store because he is all about saving some bucks. I got a cute little ceramic bear for one euro! And a present for someone, but it is a secret! That concluded my study trip to Umbria and I'm glad I went!

PS--Happy Presidents' Day!! (Sorry I didn't dress up again!)

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