Thursday, February 7, 2013

Musuem Thursday

Time is flying fast. I have been in Rome for two weeks already. Absolutely crazy. On Tuesday, my class went Museo Nazionale Romano: Palazzo Massimo. The pass gained us a three-day access to the other Museo Nazionale museums. That is what I did today--I went to the three other museums. First on my list was Palazzo Altemps. The sculpture collection was held in this beautiful old home. I liked the building better than the statues, but I'm not really a big sculpture person. Next, after getting so lost, I went to Crypta Balbi. Here they unearthed layers and layers of Roman buildings throughout the ages. Finally, I went to the Diocletian Baths. Most of this was a museum about writing but the structure where the baths were was huge. It was crazy. After that, I took the bus back to my apartment. I like having no class on Thursdays. It is a nice time for an adventure.

antique motivation from Palazzo Massimo

Palazzo Altemps

building of Palazzo Altemps

Crypta Balbi

Michelangelo Cloister at the baths

museum at Diocletian Baths
Diocletian Bath

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