Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dixie Cups

Okay, do you think things happen for a reason? Or some weird occurrences? So on Sunday when I went to mass, the priest said to sign the guest book and write down names in the remembrance book at the back of church. I signed the guest book but hemmed and hawed at the remembrance book. Should I write down anyone's name? I finally decided to sign my grandparent's names (my dad's parents). My grams died this past June and my pops died the July before. I also decided to remember a friend's friend whose death really impacted me even though I never met the kid. Anyway, after mass, I set out for gelato. I picked stracciatella and chocolate. I tasted the chocolate and thought that it didn't taste like anything extraordinary--kinda just like chocolate from a Dixie cup.

Monday morning rolls around and I wrote all that down in my book. Wait!! I was struck by the coincidence. My grams and pops would give us Dixies when we visited their house. So right after I wrote their names down, the thought of chocolate tasting like a Dixie came into my head! Amazing. Do you think that is a coincidence? Maybe I was just subconsciously thinking about them that I associated the taste with them? I don't know but I like the thought!

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