Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Today was my last day of "Art of Rome." I am so thrilled sad to be finished with that class, except for the final in two weeks. For class, we met at the Colosseum metro station. Well first, I thought I wasn;t going to make it on time. The tram was packed so I walked to the bus--but the bus just left! I would have had to wait another 10 minutes or so and I already was freaking out. I decided to get on the tram and then take the 75 bus. It worked perfectly. I got off the tram and ran to catch the 75. Made it in time. And then I was 25 minutes early for class! Who knew?

Anyway, we got on the metro to go to EUR. In 1942, there was supposed to be a world fair in Rome. However, a little event got in the way (aka WWII for those people who don't know anything) and the project was stopped. So Mussolini planned EUR to celebrate facism and Italy's greatness. Now, it is a business and residential area. It is very spread out, in a grid, with wide streets. It felt like America. But the buildings are all very minimalistic and plain.

cube Colosseum

looks like St. Peter's

Monday, April 29, 2013

Guess Who's Coming to Rome?

So guess who I found in Rome this morning?? My dad!! My first two classes were cancelled so I was able to show him around and we even went places I never went to before. We saw the church of Saint Cecilia and wandered around Trastevere. We ordered pizza by the slice for lunch We went to Isola Tiberina and the Jewish ghetto. We finally made our way back to AUR. I went to class and my dad went to his hotel (probably to sleep). We met up for dinner at Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere. We found a restaurant and I got spaghetti a cacio e pepe. It was very good. Then we walked back--my dad to his hotel and me to my apartment. It was a long day but once I get through my quiz and class tomorrow morning, I'm free until Monday!

Maderno's Santa Cecilia

Church of Saint Cecilia

Already acting like a Roman!

Bernini's turtle fountain

occupied since the 1980s

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Complaining and Some Other Good Stuff

I haven't done much today. Like most days this year, I almost cried because I couldn't find any current information on the aspirin market (a nice librarian helped me via the "Ask a Librarian" thing on our library's website). And I wasn't feeling great as I walked the streets of the market this morning, looking for gifts for people. I've been here more than three months and only finished buying gifts for two people! I don't even want to talk about it. And it was hot and crowded and I was hungry. Also, everything I wanted, for myself, was too expensive! Anyway, instead of complaining this whole time, I want to share three things with you. One is a post from my friend Catherine, who is studying in Ireland. The other two are videos that two friends made, Cody and Dan, that were shown at Campus Movie Fest.

I had to watch it like 12 times before I understood, but I was just being dumb. It is very good. Look for Cody's cameo around 1:40. But I don't want to ruin it for you by telling you how it affected me!

Alright well it is taking forever to get the second video up, so here's the link. I thought it was very funny because I like puns and stuff. And candy.

Last but not least is Catherine's post. She recently went to visit relatives who live in Ireland. It is very touching and sweet. But to me, it is bittersweet. I wish I had family who lived in a small town somehwhere to take me in for a few days. And so I could see where someone from my family lived. I guess I do have something like that inside the US, in Bethlehem (I love going there!), but still!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Swedish Choir Concert

Well yesterday was a rarity for me. I slept 12 hours, woke up at 11, ran, and then never left the apartment. I didn't even get any work done. I spent a good chunk of my day watching Campus Movie Fest movies.

Anywho, today I was regular me. I woke up early, ran, and almost finished my paper. By almost, I mean I went over the page limit and now have to cut things out. Tonight, I went to a Swedish choir concert. It was amazing. When I went to mass last Sunday, they mentioned it and I planned on attending. It was something Rick Steves would go to. Anyway, I loved it. I now want to go to Sweden or Norway or any of the Nordic countries. One day I will. Afterwards, I got gelato again at Della Palma (mint and biscotto). So good. I got to see Rome at night, which is pretty neat and I wish I went out more at night to see it.


the chior

Piazza Navona

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Villa Borghese

Today I went to Villa Borghese, a large public park near the Spanish Steps. The park is huge--it contains a zoo, a replica Globe Theater, and a movie theater, to name a few highlights. I just walked around, enjoying the beautiful weather. Today is Liberation Day, when Allied troops liberated Italy from Nazi occupation. It is a national holiday so many Italians are off from work. So, the park and the streets were extremely crowded. It was a little overwhelming, especially for a Thursday. To escape the crowds on Via del Corso, I walked along Via Margutta, a street famous for its artists and exclusive residents. After Villa Borghese, I got a little lost, found my sense of direction, and headed back toward the tram. After getting to the Pantheon, I had the bright idea to get gelato at Della Palma, a gelateria with 150 flavors. So many to choose from. I ended up getting peanut butter and Kit Kat. So good. As I walked home, I wandered through Trastevere. I finally got back to my apartment, after walking so many miles today.

Via Margutta

Piazza del Popolo

balloons at Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Three Weeks and A Day

I'm really just tired of all this work. Yes, I know I complained before about not having enough. I have two papers due--it actually isn't that bad but I need to get them done this weekend because...my dad is coming on Monday!!! I'm super excited because I get to be his tour guide around Rome--my home for the last few months!

On a similar note, I only have three weeks and a day left in Rome. Time went by so fast but I am looking forward to the summer to swim in my pool and run at my parks and go to the weightroom and eat food that I didn't cook. Ugh so excited.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Class at Il Vittoriano

 Just some pictures from my day today. Class was held at Il Vittoriano--known affectionately as the wedding cake building. Such a long day. Walked there and back and my quad hurts. Ugh. On a good note, I finished my art history paper. I just have to read it to make sure it actually makes sense.

that's the Vatican, fyi

Sunday, April 21, 2013


First thing. I know you have been waiting to hear about the interior of Sant'Ivo. Well, it is stunning. Holey moley, architecture is amazing. I can't describe it so here are some pictures. On a side note, my paper is going to be very long. I'm at 5.5 pages with just describing the church. I still need to give a history and a formal analysis and compare it with another church. Goodness.

After Sant'Ivo, I headed to Oratorio del Caravita church for Sunday mass. I do a lot of thinking in mass and always come up with great ideas (see this post). But it would be rude to write them down while the priest is presenting his homily. Well today I did just that. It was about the good shepherd and for some reason I thought of Aeneas? I don't know, it sounded good at the time. After mass, I went to Zara and got a shirt. (I also needed to break a big bill.) Then I walked home. I've been trying to do homework ever since. Not working too well.

lol. I love these signs.

my neighborhood

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Beach Trip

Today we went to the beach...on the coldest day of the week. And it was cloudy and windy. So probably not the best day to go but we made the best of it. The best part was that it only cost 1.50 euro to get there. A bargain! We figured out how to get on the beach--we looked like confused Americans. Then we just sat there--I was very cold, even though I wore jeans and a sweatshirt. But we weren't the only ones braving the weather. About 10 other people were on the beach. But then we got tired and headed home. Maybe we'll try again later.

an unicorn on the towel!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Two Days In One

Let me tell about yesterday and today's adventures. I didn't do much today so I'm combining with yesterday. First stop was the church of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza. I'm writing my art paper on it and so I stopped by to write a description about the facade. I spent a while there until heading to Piazza Barberini (I took the most indirect route.). The Bernini fountain there was under construction so I headed to San Carlo to check out another Borromini church. After, I decided to get gelato at San Crispino. It was rich and creamy but expensive. I tried caramel and ginger & cinnamon. So good.

Today I headed over to Prati, the neighborhood next to the Vatican. It reminded me more of Philadelphia than Rome. The streets were in a grid and straight!! I walked around and got more delicious gelato at Gelateria dei Gracchi. This place was so good, probably better than yesterday. I tried the pine nut and dark chocolate. I was the only non-Roman there. I definitely recommend going there. I walked along the Tiber, where I run sometimes. I took the bus back to my apartment and that was my day. I was tired from all the walking and the heat.


Spanish Steps


hi there



Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pompeii and Naples

So Sunday on our trip we went to Pompeii and Naples. I wasn't expecting Pompeii to be so large. It was weird thinking that the city was completely covered. It didn't look like it. Afterwards, we went to Naples for lunch. After walking a far way, we stumbled upon a little local place (actually we asked if there was a pizzeria nearby). The pizza was delicious and cheap. Loved it. We walked along the water. So many people were out--I think there was a festival going on. As we headed back to Rome, I was glad to go back and end this trip.

delicious pizza right here


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dinner Out

A quick detour from my weekend trip report. Last night, I hurried from my apartment to Piazza del Popolo to meet my high school friend's parents for dinner. As I walked by the Pantheon, I heard bells ringing so I decided to walk down that street. Lo and behold, I stumbled across Sant'Ivo, the church I'm writing my art paper on. It is gorgeous. I couldn't get inside the church but the courtyard was open. I have to go back on Sunday to get inside but I can't wait to see it. Then I proceeded to get a little lost, ending up walking past an "art exhibit" on the side of the street. The pieces were humorous and ironic. One was a few pennies under a piece of glass with a sign: Break in case of emergency. I might go back tomorrow to check it out.

Anyway, I spotted my friend's parents and we posed for a picture. We went to dinner at Antica Osteria Brunetti. I tried the squid (they made me!) and got spaghetti alla carbonara. It was very good and the owner greeted us warmly. The place has only been open a few weeks but it was homey and good. It was late by the time we left. ( I also had two desserts: creme brulee and tiramisu.) They walked me to the tram and we said our goodbyes as the doors shut. I am so extremely grateful for that dinner! It was nice seeing them and talking to different people!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Capri for the Day

Saturday, we took the ferry from Sorrento to Capri. It was gorgeous. It reminded me a bit of Neverland or that island in Spy Kids. I'll break down the island like this: there are two towns, Capri and Anacapri, and there are two ports, Marina Grande and Marina Piccola. The four places sort of make a "t" shape. We arrived at Marina Grande, took the funicular to Capri, and then took the bus to Anacapri. We walked around Anacapri and then headed to the chairlift to take us to the top. We were in a cloud up there, which was very cool.

Marina Grande


from the top

Then it was time to head back down. I decided to save 2.50 euro and walk down. It wasn't because of the money--I really wanted to hike down. It was well worth it. I had plenty of time to think and enjoy nature. I came to a fork in the path and didn't know which way to go but I figured it out. At the bottom, I took the bus to Capri and met up with my friends. They decided to go on a boat tour of the island but I had to pass--I wanted to explore the island on my feet. I walked and walked, saw the neighborhoods, went down to Marina Piccola, got a sandwich, and finished up at Marina Grande. I sat on the stoney beach until my friends returned. We relaxed at the beach until our ferry left. Funny story. I was feeling reckless and adventurous (probably from my hike earlier), so I took off my shoes and went into the sea. I wanted to climb on this rock so I started to and then I slipped. My whole backside was drenched. It was shocking but very funny.

Stations of the Cross lined the trail



to Marina Piccola

Mt. Vesuvius in the distance

"Don't drive your car into the water."

Bye Capri!

We returned to Sorrento for dinner at the hotel. The dessert was nasty so we went out for gelato. I was so tired from all my walking that I went to bed super early.