Monday, April 8, 2013

Tuesday Blues Spill Into Monday

Tuesdays are always my worst day of the week. I always feel stinky and down in the dumps. But now it has spread into today! Why?? I just want to eat gelato and cookies and go for runs. Ugh. But today was nice. My economics professor loves me and thinks I'm the greatest thing ever. He quizzes us at the beginning of class. Today, I noticed he purposely avoided asking me. He said, when everyone didn't know, "I didn't want to play the Boligitz card but..." That made me laugh. And then we had an oral exam for Italian. We split into small groups (3 in our group) and had to create a conversation with them in a certain situation. It well extremely well and we even made our professor laugh at a few points. But dinner today was so nice. I made sausage with peppers and onions and bought a baguette to put it on. Yum. One of my favorite things to do is grocery shop. I like looking down all the aisles and trying to see if that store is cheaper than the one I usually go to. I'm weird, I know.

I need to pace around her room and tell her all my problems

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