Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Buying Some Lonza

For Italian class today, we had to buy something from the salumeria, aka the deli. We had to buy some sliced meat and a piece of bread. We planned on going at 4:30, leaving plenty of time before class. Well when friends from class came back at 4:30 and they said everything was closed, I freaked out. Oh no, but there was hope. I saw this place on my way home the other day so we hightailed it there. It was open and we ventured in. I went first--Could I have 50 grams of lonza? And a rosetta roll? The guy was very nice but I had no idea what he was saying. His mom worked the cash register. It was such a nice place with nice people. And it was nice to practice my (bad) Italian.

I also had a dream last night about it. My class was all sitting on steps, like in a lecture hall except we were outside. Class was about to start but then I remembered I forgot my meat and bread. I asked my friend Ryan (from high school) if I could have some salami. He gave some to me and I got some flatbread from someone else. I was worried because a lot of other people forgot too so everyone had pretty much the same thing. My teacher would know we all forgot. Next thing I know I look back at Ryan and he is tossing out salami slices to the class. Weird dream right there.

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