Sunday, April 21, 2013


First thing. I know you have been waiting to hear about the interior of Sant'Ivo. Well, it is stunning. Holey moley, architecture is amazing. I can't describe it so here are some pictures. On a side note, my paper is going to be very long. I'm at 5.5 pages with just describing the church. I still need to give a history and a formal analysis and compare it with another church. Goodness.

After Sant'Ivo, I headed to Oratorio del Caravita church for Sunday mass. I do a lot of thinking in mass and always come up with great ideas (see this post). But it would be rude to write them down while the priest is presenting his homily. Well today I did just that. It was about the good shepherd and for some reason I thought of Aeneas? I don't know, it sounded good at the time. After mass, I went to Zara and got a shirt. (I also needed to break a big bill.) Then I walked home. I've been trying to do homework ever since. Not working too well.

lol. I love these signs.

my neighborhood

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