Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Capri for the Day

Saturday, we took the ferry from Sorrento to Capri. It was gorgeous. It reminded me a bit of Neverland or that island in Spy Kids. I'll break down the island like this: there are two towns, Capri and Anacapri, and there are two ports, Marina Grande and Marina Piccola. The four places sort of make a "t" shape. We arrived at Marina Grande, took the funicular to Capri, and then took the bus to Anacapri. We walked around Anacapri and then headed to the chairlift to take us to the top. We were in a cloud up there, which was very cool.

Marina Grande


from the top

Then it was time to head back down. I decided to save 2.50 euro and walk down. It wasn't because of the money--I really wanted to hike down. It was well worth it. I had plenty of time to think and enjoy nature. I came to a fork in the path and didn't know which way to go but I figured it out. At the bottom, I took the bus to Capri and met up with my friends. They decided to go on a boat tour of the island but I had to pass--I wanted to explore the island on my feet. I walked and walked, saw the neighborhoods, went down to Marina Piccola, got a sandwich, and finished up at Marina Grande. I sat on the stoney beach until my friends returned. We relaxed at the beach until our ferry left. Funny story. I was feeling reckless and adventurous (probably from my hike earlier), so I took off my shoes and went into the sea. I wanted to climb on this rock so I started to and then I slipped. My whole backside was drenched. It was shocking but very funny.

Stations of the Cross lined the trail



to Marina Piccola

Mt. Vesuvius in the distance

"Don't drive your car into the water."

Bye Capri!

We returned to Sorrento for dinner at the hotel. The dessert was nasty so we went out for gelato. I was so tired from all my walking that I went to bed super early.

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