Thursday, April 25, 2013

Villa Borghese

Today I went to Villa Borghese, a large public park near the Spanish Steps. The park is huge--it contains a zoo, a replica Globe Theater, and a movie theater, to name a few highlights. I just walked around, enjoying the beautiful weather. Today is Liberation Day, when Allied troops liberated Italy from Nazi occupation. It is a national holiday so many Italians are off from work. So, the park and the streets were extremely crowded. It was a little overwhelming, especially for a Thursday. To escape the crowds on Via del Corso, I walked along Via Margutta, a street famous for its artists and exclusive residents. After Villa Borghese, I got a little lost, found my sense of direction, and headed back toward the tram. After getting to the Pantheon, I had the bright idea to get gelato at Della Palma, a gelateria with 150 flavors. So many to choose from. I ended up getting peanut butter and Kit Kat. So good. As I walked home, I wandered through Trastevere. I finally got back to my apartment, after walking so many miles today.

Via Margutta

Piazza del Popolo

balloons at Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese

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