Thursday, April 11, 2013

Beautiful Day to Walk

I got a late start today because I slept 8:30. I wanted to run to the Olympic Stadium today and I did, but I couldn't run on the track. And on the way back, I missed my turn but I ended up being near things I knew. But my Roman adventure this afternoon consisted of illegal bus/tram rides and lots of walking. My first stop was the Isola Tiberina. It is the smallest inhabited island. Many people were out, sunbathing and enjoying the warm weather.

My other to-do spot was the church of St. Peter in Chains. I walked by the Forum. There are so many people in Rome now. So many tourists. I've only been here 2.5 months and I don't feel like a tourist--I know the norms of life here, or something like that.

No trip is complete without gelato. I unsuccessfully tried to find Gelateria Fatamorgana a while ago but today I succeeded. I had to wait in a longish line to get my peanut and prince's kiss double scoop gelato. It was delicious. The woman behind the counter was patient with my bad Italian. Yum.

I finally made it to St. Peter in Chains. It is closed from noon to 3, so I sat outside for a few minutes, waiting for it to open. Inside, I saw chains that supposedly were from St. Peter, along with Michelangelo's Moses. Then I headed home. I was extremely tired from all my walking. 

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